August 23, 2011

Quakes and Storms

For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.  Psalm 4:8

Today was a rather unusual day for us.  At the eye doctor for my daughter, and while she was being tested, I was sitting nearby. . . all of a sudden, I heard this "sound;" at the same time, the building began to shake, and I began to feel like I was sitting on a freight train, barreling down a track.  At first it reminded me of when Hurricane Isabel was roaring through here, in 2003.  With the news and focus on Hurricane Irene which may make landfall near the Outer Banks and then come through our area, my mind was already on the idea of a hurricane coming through.  So as I heard the sound, and felt the shaking of the building, my eyes went directly to the window and saw the bright blue sky.  That's when I realized this was no major wind/storm event, but rather an earthquake.  That's just something that doesn't happen around here y'all.  "Bizarre" was the only word I could think of. 

Immediately I picked up my cell phone to check in with my cell phone coverage. . . for a long time.   In fact, no one in the building had coverage, regardless of who their cell phone company was.

Seems like as soon as something earth-shaking happens, we automatically turn to our phones and call our loved ones, to check on them, or to reach out and find out what is going on.  And in times like this, it seems that "all circuits are busy" for quite some time, and we can't "get through."

With all eyes on Irene, and as we face uncertain times, we need to remember Who makes us to dwell in safety.  It's rather ironic how my physical life today seems to mimic my spiritual:  unexpectedly shaky, and another big storm on the horizon. 

As I glanced at my little perpectual calendar here, and read the "thought for the day," it was appropriate, so I thought I'd share it here.

"God's presence stands between
the turmoil of the world and my spirit. 
His peace is my safe harbor in the storm."  
B.J. Hoff

I'm so thankful that when I'm shaken by the storms and quakes in life, I can reach out to my Heavenly Father, Who knows all things, and I will never have to worry if I'll "get through" to Him.  In fact, not only can I be assured that I'll get through, I can find assurance in knowing that He is with me in the midst of the storm.

The LORD your God in your midst,  
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Thank You, Father, for keeping us safe today, and please have Your will regarding the storm that is churning out at sea.  I remember how Jesus had "constrained" the disciples to get into the boat, and He knew that there was a huge storm awaiting them.  He had just done the miracle of feeding the 5000, and they had witnessed Him doing that.  Yet, in the first big storm after that, as He began to walk towards them, on that stormy sea, they not only didn't recognize Him, they feared He was a ghost.  I can understand how they felt.  At least Peter had the courage to call out to Jesus and say, "if it is You, tell me to come to You."  And Peter did step out of that boat.  The others remained in the boat.  Of course, like Peter, I take my eyes off of Your Son, and look at my surrounding circumstances, and then I sink.  I can hear Jesus whisper, "Why do you have such small faith?"  Oh Father, please forgive me for how quickly my faith can be rattled, and allow Your Son to pick me up; and if He chooses to put me back in the boat, may others see that He is Who He says He is, and may they bring Him glory too, just like the disciples did when Peter climbed back in the boat.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 


  1. I have those Peter moments, when I step out in faith, take my eyes off God, and start sinking. And then he pulls me up. I love your quote about how God stands between the world and our spirit - I can see that! To change metaphors, your post made me think of my Faith walk as a ride, a bumpy ride, sometimes a jolting ride because of my humaneness and inconsistency. I am working on consistency!

    I heard all about the earth quake - but nothing where I am in TN.

  2. I can't think there would be anything scarier than an earthquake. Didn't the psalmist say, "Even though the earth be moved I will not be afraid".


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! It's such a joy to my heart! "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above..." You are a gift to my heart! To God be the glory! :o)