February 11, 2012

From 'Flawed ~ to ~ Awed'

My strength is made perfect in weakness.  II Corinthians 12:9

Been a while since I've been able to write..and actually I should be studying for a physics test which is Monday. . but I wanted to log this lesson as a written reminder to myself of what God has taught me over the past week or two.

One day, I will hopefully look back on this specific time in my life and admit that the difficulties were worth every single degree of suffering, or pain. . .and actually I am almost certain that I will...because it is when I realize and readily ADMIT my weakness, and visualize my "smallness" in comparison to the all-powerful-strength and creativity of our God (Who is beyond any measure or limit) that's when my perspective on life's difficult challenges begin to change.

One way to do that is to take a step back, and look at our universe....go beyond myself and look at the vast expanse of God's creation...keeping in mind that even the universe can not contain God.

A week ago, on my way to school, several mornings the sun was shining so brightly that as traffic was traveling along the interstate and began to round the corner, beyond the trees, the sun was so blinding-bright that traffic began to come to a crawl. .  there as we crept along the interstate and I tried to see past the bright, almost white, sun, I began to realize....this is just the sun. . and look at how we all come to a screeching halt!!

Imagine when we are with God in all His glory . . .purest brightness, in His holiness. . . surely no one will be able to move...but bow down and worship Him.

After feeling unable to "do" what is required of me at this present time, and feeling so unable, and weak, this difficult time reveals my flaws. . . but God's strength is made PERFECT in my weakness. 

Taking a step back, and looking at the marvellous wonder of creation, and seeing the majesty of His power at work around me. . .and that's when I go from feeling "FLAWED" to "AWED.

It's also very helpful for us to remember that even though we may "Feel alone," we really ARE NOT alone..and that the very Creator of the universe not only loves us, but is watching us every second of the day!  "I will guide thee with Mine eye." 

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me for looking around, at my tiny "box of space on earth" and thinking that this is it...losing perspective on the bigger picture..on Your power, and how MUCH You truly love me and my fellow family in Christ!   I pray that everyone will begin to grasp this truth:  Yes, we ARE flawed!  But the only way to tap into YOUR strength is to go from focusing on being "FLAWED" to being "AWED" by Your power!!    Thank You!!  I again declare my trust in YOU and Your strength!
Please be made perfect in my flaws and weakness.
In Jesus' Name,


  1. What an amazing post this is Tammi. Thank you for taking time to post what is on your heart. It is indeed awesome to think that someday this life as we know it will end, and we will spend eternity with God in that beautiful place called heaven.

    Blessings on you as you devote your time to studies.

    May God reward you for your walk of obedience.


  2. Hi Friend,

    You are doing so awesome in school!!

    Since I first began following your blog, and getting to know you behind the scenes one thing has never changed and that is no matter what your circumstances are, no matter how busy you are, your focus is always upward and onward, and encouraging others to do the same. Keeping ourselves focused on things eternal, and pressing on. Amen!

    This is such an awesome thing THAT YOU WROTE... ~ "FLAWED" to "AWED..."

    God bless you friend,
    Sending lots of love your way,
    ~ Michele

  3. Even when things are going fast, God reaches down and gives us encouragement such as He did for you last week...and now you are passing it on and encouraging and inspiriting us. This is such an awesome post and a reminder that we can't even image God's glory and what our heavenly home will be like.....

    I am proud of you for studying so hard. I know it must be difficult but I know God will give you all and more of what you need....

    Love to you sweet girl...

  4. Great thoughts and pictures! Thanks for sharing them!

  5. You are such a blessing to us Sis. So glad that you are able to share your thoughts with us. What a day that will be when we close our eyes here and open them finally HOME. We are watching your DVD with the songs from youtube. Love it so much. Praying for you all. Hugs and Prayers, Mom


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! It's such a joy to my heart! "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above..." You are a gift to my heart! To God be the glory! :o)