May 20, 2012

Where did the time go?

Just wanted to give a quick update before I hit the sack.  Tomorrow begins my summer semester. . .and as I wrote out my agenda for the summer schedule, I wonder how in the world it will all get done. . . but, thankfully the Lord got me and my classmates through the first semester. . .six classes.  Geesh.   So I know He'll do the same again.

Bryan has been recovering pretty well. . .still has some soreness and even had some trouble with a sensory nerve in his upper thigh. . thankfully that part of his leg is just numb, as opposed to the burning and severe pain he had a week or two ago.

He is supposed to go back to work around the first week in June.  That should be interesting considering the type of manual labor he does. . .drives a tractor trailer . .lots of heavy lifting.  I hope he'll be okay.

I enjoyed the little bit of time off I had between semesters and was actually glad to have Bryan home so we could spend some quality time together. 

My cousin, Michael, received some encouraging news. . .the DR at UVA told him the last scan revealed that the cancer had not spread and in fact was shrinking some. . so they have decided to stay at UVA for more treatment. . . . If the cancer was not responding to that treatment, they were going to seek treatment elsewhere. . . so this is good news ~ they can continue to go to UVA which is closer than the other place they were considering. . . Thank you all for continuing to pray for them. 

I probably won't be on the blog for a while since I'll be full time again through the end of July. . .I won't even get one day off a week like we had last semester.  Will be doing clinical rotations in a hospital Tuesdays through Fridays and have classes on Mondays from 8:30 to 5.  Whew. . this is going to be gruelling.  Ready or not. . . here we go!

Thanks again to you all for checking in and especially for praying for us. . .it means a lot to Bryan!  . . and of course to me too! :)
Hope you all have a wonderful summer. . . and maybe I'll be in touch sometime before too long.

Until then. . . stay focused on the Lord. .  I have to say that has proven to be very difficult for me especially during the past couple months . . . and as usual, when our eyes are taken off the Lord and onto our stormy circumstances and others around us, what happens?   We sink and are overwhelmed by it all.

I will lift up my eyes. . . . unto the hills....where is my help?  My help comes from the Lord.  Lifting up one's eyes implies that one is "looking down in the valley" right?  And when we're down in the valley and then look up, those hills look almost impossible to climb!   We need HELP!  Our Help comes from the Lord. . .and so as we face an uncertain future, we will look unto the Lord.

Sending hugs!  And many thanks!  Enjoy your summer and God's goodness. . It's all around, but remember, the enemy tries to remove our focus off of God's goodness and ONTO our troubles.  It's not a new trick!  It's the same old dirty trick Satan has been using for all these years!  So stay alert and focused, that way the enemy doesn't get the upper hand and have you down in the valley before long.  (speaking from experience.)  :)