June 7, 2012

A Special Day to Remember

Checking in on everyone.

Hey y'all....I'm getting ready for an early morning again tomorrow....Bryan made it through his first week back to work.  It's been a tough transition, but he said he's very thankful for his job. . . so let's just leave it at that!  :)  God has been very good to us. . .and as I reflect on the past six months (wow this year has FLOWN BY!) I can tell you that at the beginning of the process (finding out Bryan needed kidney surgery, etc) we were really wondering how this was going to all work out. . .especially with me being in my first semester of the DMS program. . . . six classes!!  Goodness. . . But I just want to report to you that God worked in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.   He pulled Bryan through. . .saved most of his kidney. . . .got the cancer before it had spread, got me through the first (and probably toughest) semester I have ever had to go through....and with a 4.0!  WOW!   And of all, God met our needs...we were never once without any need being met.  God met them.

That's it....simply put...but I had to give a quick testimony!

Trust Him.  God is faithful and more than able to meet your every need...even the one you won't dare to share with anyone...God knows your heart's deepest desire...and cares!  Just let go, and invite Him into your world...however troubled you may think it is. . . Invite Him into your heart, and to take over your problems.  After all, when you put all of your troubles next to God....don't they just pale in comparison to Him and His power!??  Of course they do!  :)

Have a great weekend...
and thanks to everyone for their comments and checking in even though I'm totally unable to respond in any timely manner!   thanks so much for understanding! :)
I hope to be back soon(er .. or later)  :)
P.S.  I'd like to say too I am thinking of my sister. . .Sherri...who passed away in 1997... 15 years ago. . today was her birthday.  she would have been 37.   I miss you Sher-Bear.

Love and hugs