March 3, 2010


And he said unto them, "Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat."
Mark 6:31

Well, there was no blog entry yesterday for the simple reason of me just being plum worn-out...trying to catch up with some school work, and house work, among many other things.  But thankfully the Lord reminded me that sometimes He, too, had to come away from the crowd and get some rest.  It's important for us to listen to Him when He quietly suggests to us to "come away with Me, to a quiet place and get some rest."   

Being a musician, I am reminded of the word "rest" basically meaning "pause."   For us, it means "take a break, draw strength from the Lord, and think about what He has done."  After all, didn't He rest on the last day of Creation?   He wasn't tired, of course, but He did set an example for us--to take some time to STOP, think about what He's done in our lives, and just REST.  

What has He done for you lately?  What has He been doing in and through you lately?   Have you been too busy to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit?  Be careful.  It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life.  And, I don't know about you, but I've noticed that LIFE in this world is N O I S Y!   We have the TV with its obnoxiously loud commercials, then there's the radio or other forms of music media... don't forget--there's the cell phone, text messages, instant messages, emails...You've got Mail!   Whoah.  The Lord is sending out messages all the time, but His messages are being sent out tenderly and quietly.   Living in this noisy, busy world, it's no wonder we miss hearing from Him.

That's why sometimes He invites us, with a gentle whisper, "Come away with a quiet place and get some rest."   Oh wow!   Count me in!   Here's my R.S.V.P.    Anywhere with Jesus, we can safely go.

Dear Father, I'm sorry that sometimes it takes a reminder from You, to come away and get some rest.  I thank You, dear Jesus, serving our Father in this busy world, and for understanding what it's like to be pulled in every direction.  Thank You for always keeping a good attitude and looking to our Heavenly Father while You were here.  You sought to do His will.  And--You succeeded!  Thank You for interceding on my behalf, even now.  Dear Holy Spirit, I pray that You would guide me, and help me to listen for Your still small voice. You're guiding me to a restful retreat where I can get to know my Lord and Savior even better, and become one with the Father too.   Thank You for the areas of ministry and service You have entrusted to me...but OH, how I ask You for divine strength and help.  Please make me a conduit where Your energy can flow.  Thanks for bringing me back to 'square one' after the past few busy days.   Help me even tomorrow to do Your will.  May I always look for a quiet place to be with You.  Thank You for Your tender mercy and faithfulness that is new every morning!   In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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