February 23, 2010

A Follower

Well, since this blogging "stuff" is rather new to me, I wasn't quite sure what to think when I was setting up my blog a few weeks ago and found the word "followers" on there.   What?    What in the world is that anyway?  It actually "kinda" made me cringe a bit....why would I want anyone to be a follower of ME?  I mean, hello?  Aren't we supposed to follow the Lord?   Seriously, I considered removing that little link on there...And then there was the little junior high insecurity complex---what if that number remains at "zero," will that make me a "zero?"   (you know exactly what I'm talking about---junior high--the one with the most friends "wins" -- ie isn't the "class nerd" or "outcast.") 

Anyway....back to the original idea before I hop off onto a rabbit trail Boing BoInG!  = :o)  I really didn't like the idea of someone following me.     But then it hit me. . . BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   (ouch that "hoit:")   I AM supposed to be able to say to others "Follow me, as I follow Christ."    OH MY!    Then that placed a big burden on my heart and shoulders (no..not HEAD and SHOULDERS-the shampoo)  .. but nevertheless, there was the burden....I am responsible for others around me.  "am I SERIOUSLY my brother/sister's keeper?"  SERIOUSLY???    Yep.  Sho nuff!   

We are living epistles "known and read by all men."   So....that means, in a sense (Oh I'm clapping here people!)  WE ARE LIVING BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?       Are you still with me ????   Isn't God good!?!?!    When He just told me that, it was like He was saying, "See, Tammi, I may be the 'Ancient of Days,' but I AM also CURRENT TOO!"  God is never OUT OF DATE!!!    

Oh Dear Father...Dear Jesus, and Dear Sweet Holy Spirit....please, and I humbly repeat, pretty please help me to be a worthy "blog"---PLEASE enable my life to be a living BLOG--known and read of all men. . . all of my friends, all of my co-workers, all of my F A M I L Y!    I want to be able to safely say to them, "Follow me, as I follow You, Dear Lord.  Oh, and P.S., please help me follow YOU because that is the only way I can safely say that.  Thanks.  In Jesus' Sweet Beautiful Name, Amen.

Okay people....let's get "B L O G G I N' "  
have a great day y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh--and He just added another P.S.! In regards to my comment of the "added burden." Oh how sweet. His burden is LIGHT. How can this be? Because whatever He calls us to do, HE enables us to do--as long as we DEPEND on HIM and the Holy Spirit to do it in and through us.

    Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! It's such a joy to my heart! "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above..." You are a gift to my heart! To God be the glory! :o)