February 28, 2010

How to Fix a Fearful Heart

Okay....it's Saturday when I'm writing this...and to be awaken to the news of yet another powerful earthquake that struck, with a possible tsunami to follow just made my heart sink.  *sigh*   More Bad News.   

I know the Lord is reminding us that He is the One in control, and I really believe He's trying to get our attention.   He's coming soon.  No doubt.   The news of His arrival being announced by the blast of the trumpet SHOULD BE a welcome relief for God's children.   But honestly, how do you feel when you think of the rapture taking place?  Is this honestly something you are looking forward to?  
Does this give your heart a sense of peace and longing for His return ~OR~ do you feel a sense of impending D O O M???

I guess it all depends on the condition of our heart..and whether or not we are truly saved.   How's our relationship with Him been going lately??    Are we busy about the Master's Business, building His kingdom ~OR~ are we busy about our OWN business by building up a beautiful sand castle that is about to be washed away by an enormous tsunami!?!?  

For some reason my heart has felt a sense of sadness today..maybe even a hint of D R E A D.   How unsettling.  "And WHY, Lord, would I even FEEL THIS WAY!??  I have been so enjoying the Son-shine of Your presence, and seeing Your fingerprints all over my life."  

I guess the sadness stems from an inner fear---fear set in by the realization of the years I've wasted AND the SWEET PERSON I'VE BEEN MISSING by not taking time to R E A L L Y get to know Him.  I guess the fear is will I have been a disappointment to Him?  I want to take advantage of the final moments of time that we (probably) have left on this earth---to live it for HIM.  I imagine myself begging Him, while feeling such intense passion, "Lord, we're running out of T I M E!  PLEASE  You've got to help me use what fleeting moments I have left on this earth to make up for lost time.  Please restore unto me the years the locusts have eaten. (Joel 2:25)    Oh, how much I've enjoyed You the past two weeks, dear Lord.  I do not want anything to happen that would wash away the wonderful enjoyment of Your presence.  Oh, how remorseful I am when I realize all (WHO) I've been MISSING by not resting totally in Your care.  Your love is amazing...tender, yet powerful!  Please don't ever let me fall, or cause You pain or disappointment." 

So, with an unsettling feeling, I ran to Him---like a child hearing the sound of thunder off in the distance---and I opened up my Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon, and there I found it!  Another NUGGET!   His answer to my need....He handed me the tool to fix my fearful heart.   "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord."  Psalm 112:7   I know that the word "fixed" means "to be made firm, steadfast"---but I like to think of the Lord as having JUST FIXED my FEARFUL HEART, by whispering, "Just trust Me." 

Thank You, Dear Father, for letting me be honest with You...and then You turning right around and blessing me in the midst of my unexplainable fear.  You spoke the words---Do not be fearful of bad news....If I trust YOU my *heart* will be "F I X E D!"   I trust You, Father.  Speak peace to our hearts tonight, in the midst of this unsettling world. 
In Jesus' Name I pray...Amen.

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Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! It's such a joy to my heart! "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above..." You are a gift to my heart! To God be the glory! :o)