I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8
Psalm 32:8
Seems like this week the Lord is wanting me to know that He is watching over me. The thoughts He gave me for Thursday's post really have helped me, and I hope they have helped you too---to know that He is watching over us...and not to say, "I see you. I've got My eye on you" (as a threat of "You better behave!") BUT to let us know that He's watching us, even during the night, waiting for us to stir, and longing to have our eyes meet His first thing in the morning.
The last part of Psalm 32:8, "I will guide thee with mine eye" actually means: "I will counsel you and watch over you." Oh! I sigh, because the Lord knows the inner thoughts and concerns of my heart today. Needing to know the direction I should go....Needing a job, but have no idea which way to look.
When I read in "My Utmost for His Highest" (Oswald Chambers) this morning, the Lord just began to tie things together for me. Chambers says that "a saint's life in the hands of God is like a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer....God is aiming at something that the saint cannot see. He stretches and strains, and every now and again the saint says---'I cannot stand any more!' God does not heed, he goes on stretching til His purpose is IN SIGHT, then He lets FLY!"
Sometimes the concerns for "tomorrow" (where to find a job, will we survive this economy, where to put our children in school)---can fog our concentration on our daily duties. John Hamilton Thom says, "small cares daily frets our hearts, and cross the clearness of our faculties...leaving us no free soul able to give itself up, in power, and gladness, to the true work of life." This is the "severest training and self denial." OH! How true this is! Concerns and anxiety cloud my focus, yet He keeps on stretching, even when I cry, "OUCH! Stop, please!" No...He's got some "end in sight!" He DOES have a purpose for my (and your) life. (Jer. 29:11)
He will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. For now, the instructions do not include, "This is where you need to find a job." The instructions on "today's roster" include: "Do your daily duties, small and great....rest, rest rest in the fact that you are in My hands, child. I am The Archer Who never misses My Mark! I know where I want you to be...and when I see that purpose in sight, I will let you FLY!" OH! That makes me smile! He will guide me, watch over me...and then, once I RELAX (by trusting Him) He will "LET ME FLY!"
Oh Dear Father! You are watching me. It's SOO reassuring to know You have got Your eye on me. We tease our children sometimes when we remind them, "I've got my eye on you!" But really, this should bring comfort to any insecure child's heart. "You may wander off, you may think I don't care enough to watch you, BUT I have got my eye on you." Thank You that Your eyes not only see me, but they're looking for that unique purpose in sight....You're looking to see when our hearts are in tune with Yours, and totally trusting You. And when they are, it's as if the "TARGET IS IN SIGHT," and You'll let us fly. BULLSEYE! You never miss Your mark! It's up to us to determine how quickly that "target gets in sight." Help me relax today, while clearly focusing on my "tasks at hand." Help me NOT worry or THINK about "tomorrow's changing tide." Help me relax in the Hands of the Most Wonderful "Archer" to ever hold a bow and arrow. Thank You for even picking me up in the first place, and finding a purpose in my life, through Your Son, Jesus! I love You! In Jesus' name I pray..amen.
that was good mom! keep it up! God is working in you! the Lord will help you get through the day.