April 23, 2010

Construction Zone

Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him;
and he shall bring it to pass.  Psalm 37:5

Tuesday's blog entry was discussing how God has promised to make all things new, and for us to forget the past and watch Him make a "road" in the middle of our "wasteland"---(which the Hebrew text is referring to an open field, such as where cattle are driven.) 

With the recent announcement of some upcoming changes being made, I couldn't  help but wonder... "Lord, how will all of this turn out?  How is this even going to happen?   I don't even have any 'oars' to paddle with."  (See Sat.'s blog.)    Well, last night, I read Psalm 37:5.  Hmmm.  Commit thy "way."  "I wonder if 'way' means the same thing as 'way' in Isaiah 43:18, 19.  Sure enough..it does.  "Way, road, distance, journey, manner."  

We are to commit (roll over) our way (or the road we're on) right onto the LORD.   Remember He tells us in Isaiah 43: 18, 19  to forget the past because He's going to make a way for us...A new ROAD.  A new direction.   We really aren't supposed to wonder about "where's He taking us?" or "how's He even going to do this?"...we are just to trust Him.  So...forget the old PATH (past) and roll it over onto Him, bad memories, bad decisions, mistakes, and all, and TRUST HIM---to do what?  To make a NEW WAY spring forth in this wilderness....Have you ever seen a construction zone in the middle of a wilderness?  I think I'm in the middle of one...but it's good, because He is making all things NEW.  :)

Father, I have no idea what You are doing in my life right now..sometimes it's like a mystery.  That's totally fine with me too..because all I need to know is YOU are UP to something.  Instead of "Road Under Construction," I think I'm seeing "Road Closed, Follow Detour."   Please help me, dear Holy Spirit, by giving me a clear vision as to where I need to be facing..what direction is this new road going to be headed?  I am trusting You in the midst of it all.   In Jesus' Name I pray...Amen.

1 comment:

  1. It's August 3, 2010 now....and the Lord is taking me on a new road, in a new direction indeed. Going back to college. Oh my. This caught me by surprise, but it shouldn't have, because "NEW" means....well, "NEW, never thought of, a road not taken..." I'm trusting Him, for I know He will be with me in every twist and turn on this new road....and the outcome will hopefully be more of the image of His Son, Jesus, in my life. May it be so, for His glory!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! It's such a joy to my heart! "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above..." You are a gift to my heart! To God be the glory! :o)