August 6, 2010

Anyone for some pizza...anyone? anyone??

And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.   Deut. 31:8 (KJV)

For several months now, I've been on a journey...seeking God's will for my life.   For most of my life I've been a person who has never liked change.  For example, when I was sick in elementary school and had to miss a few days of school, mom and dad would have to "encourage me to go back to school" by offering dad's home-made pizzas for dinner that night.  Dad normally would only make those pizzas on Saturday for him to offer to "switch up the routine and make them during the week" was a BIG DEAL!  :)  That's how "unadaptable" I've been most of my life.) LOL   

I've been blessed to be a stay-at-home mom ever since my first child was born, 12 years when my husband told me, with a heavy heart, that I'd have to go back to work this fall, and not home school them...(due to the economy pinching our wallets), my heart sank....Change!?? NO WAY. What will I do?  Where will I go?  Even worse----the kids will go to public school? ? ?  How will THEY adapt? 

Oh....the fasting, seeking, listening and reading God's Word, praying, pouring out my heart to Him over this... believing that if it were His will, He could change circumstances all around, even at the very last minute.  Well, it's down to the last minute, school's about to start....and the way it looks, I'll be headed back to school finish what I started over 20 years ago.  Scared?  Pretty much.  Trusting the Lord?  The best I can.  Waiting on Him to open a window of escape er, I mean opportunity?  You better believe it! LOL   So far, I see no window.   Hey, whatever happened to "Maria von Trapp's" saying, "when the Lord closes the door, somewhere He opens a window?" (from the Sound of Music)   Well, me going back, just may BE the window.   What's going to be on the other side?  I have no idea.   But I know WHO will be there, Who IS with me even now, Who is leading me.  When He said to me months ago, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19 NIV)  I had no idea the "new thing" would be THIS.   :o)

those little white dots are sheep :)
In the process, I've been letting go...of a lot of things.  And the freedom I've found in Him is refreshing.  I'm learning to STEP OUT of that "comfort zone" (or the sheep's fold)...and go out...into hopefully greener pastures, where I can graze upon His Word, walking ever closer with Him along the (NEW) way.

With the thought of homework (*gasp*), wife and mom duties, church pianist duties, and of course my relationship with Him and keeping THAT in tact, I have wondered why He would have led me to even start this blog....But now I see that He has brought across my path some very special people, my spiritual sisters and brothers in Christ.....and I appreciate your wonderful, new-found friendship and support.   

Now...won't you please join me on this new journey.  (when I think about it, I realize that maybe, just maybe, He has given me such wonderful new friends, so that you all can walk with me on this journey "into the unknown.")  OH HA...That sounds scary.   But it's not.  Because He is already there.  Wherever He leads, may the results bring Him all the glory!  Let's go ahead and start praising Him now.  ;o)

"His presence shall go with me...and I will be not afraid." 

One final note:  I'm going to be away from the computer for the weekend. . . so I just wanted to let y'all know I'll miss hearing from ya, and visiting with y'all....but should be back by Sunday night or Monday morning. Thanks again for all the wonderful comments about my grandmother's poems. I know she is thrilled to see the Lord still using her, even in her golden years....and golden they are...
She's such a jewel.

Thank you dear Father, for Your Sovereign hand, ruling the tides of my life.  I can see Your hand on my life ever since I was a little bitty girl.  I know that You will NOT leave me even now, as I'm facing a new road.  Why should I worry or fear, when I know You are the "Ultimate New-Road-Construction Engineer."   Thank You for bringing me new friends into my life.  I pray a special blessing upon each and every one of them.  Bless them in their individual ministries, and strengthen their walk with You, just as You are strengthening mine.  In Jesus' name, Amen.


  1. I have to say how thankful I am for you. If you hadn't started blogging, I wouldn't have met you. I know we haven't actually met face to face ...yet.

    I want to be there to encourage you as you go back to school. It would be fun to see how you learn to trust the Lord in this change. Living Fearlessly has been one of my challenges too. I like to avoid change at all costs but it's sometimes needed.

    Much love to you,

  2. I, too, love planned agendas and change is a biggie...but He has been so faithful...each and every time a big change has come along in my life...and I step out into the unknown...He is always there...ready to lead and guide me...

    Thanks for taking us along on this part of your journey!

  3. Sounds like a new chapter in your book of life and we'll be with you every step of the way..

  4. Sweet Tammi,,,,Please know just how special you are to me and so many others here in Blog~o~sphere,,,I for one am truly Thankful that Jesus has Blessed me with a Friend such as I have in You!!!... And have FAITH,,,You will do GREAT because you DO follow Our PERFECT Lord Jesus..He is and will be walking you through this Girlfriend...Many times it is sooo difficult waiting on Him,,,understanding Him,,,thats because we want it done in our timing and thats not always His timing... His ways are not our ways plus,,,even if we don't always get what HE is doing,,,Be COMFORTED in KNOWING HE Always Knows what,,, HE is doing.. I sure do know that here in our home,, and our business,,I too am anxious...So this in a way is me reassuring me too. Well,, in the jist of it,,,it does :0) did I make any sense???
    I must be needing some prayers too,,,LOL
    You are in my prayers each night
    So from me to you Huggggggggggggg's continued ~~~Praying for you to Know HIS Blessings all around you and your family~~~Dena

  5. Sweet Friend,

    You are such a blessing to me. Your heart bursts forth with love for the Lord...I love that about you. You encourage and inspire me. You pray and leave such kind heartfelt comments for our family. You are such a beautiful person on the inside and out and I wanted to verbally tell you that and how much I truly appreciate your stopping by and that you hold a special place in my heart.

    My prayers rise up to the heavens for you and your new ventures dear soul and yes, wherever He leads, may the results bring Him all of the glory!

    Love you,

  6. Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.- King Whitney

  7. Great post, Tammi, and one that rings a lot of bells with me too. My family joined a new church this year, and boy, stepping out of my comfort zone of a small church of 60 to the much bigger local church, joining a band instead of being the lone pianist...
    Anyways, enjoy the challenges the Lord leads you through, and those opportunities to grow :) I love those promises in Deuteronomy, like 31:8, they have spoken volumes to me thru the years too.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! It's such a joy to my heart! "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above..." You are a gift to my heart! To God be the glory! :o)